

Born in Athens in 1966.She studied at the University of Fine Arts in Athens, under mentorship of Panagiotis Tetsis ans Chronis Botsoglou. She also studied Fresco and Painting Techniques of the Greek Byzantine Icons, onder mentorship of Kostas Xinopoulos. In 1992, Anna Patrou finished her studies with distinction. Furthermore she received a masters degree, specialised in teaching Fine Arts, during her five year study. Since 2002, she lives and works in the Netherlands.I prefer to work within a theme. I mostly get my inspirations from my enviromment. Nature, and all the elements around it, are my main source of my inspiration. I look for designs in which I can see a challange. My focus doesn't lay with the rendition of reality, but with conveying the feeling of the artwork to the audience.Group Exhibitions1987: Student of Fine Arts- Creta –Greece1992: Graduated at the University of Fine Arts - Nationale Gallery of Athens1997: Landscapes - Opus 39 Gallery - Cypres1998: Various Artists - Salamina Art Centrum - Salamina - Greece2004: Trees - City Hall Gorichem - The Netherlands2008: Open Art Fair Utrecht - Gallery Gorichem - The Netherlands2008: Goyart Bussum - Gallery Gorichem - The Netherlands2008: AAF Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam - Gallery Gorichem - The Netherlands2008: Summerexposition - Gallery Gorichem - The Netherlands2009: Anks Bras - Van Oord - Anna Patrou - Church of Gorichem - The Netherlands2013: Art route Woudrichem - Woudrichem - The Netherlands2014: AthensArt International Arts Festival - Bispgården/ Sweden2014: AthensArt International Philanthropic Exhibition - Monterrey/ Mexico2014: Art Route Woudrichem- Woudrichem - The Netherlands2015: Art Route Woudrichem - Woudrichem - The Netherlands2016: RAR Exposition Art Price Green Nissewaard - Nissewaard - The Netherlands2016: New group exposition for the new members of RAR2017: Kunstschouw - Zeeland - The Netherlands2018: Group exposition 'Nature Inside' depot art gallery - Athens - Greece2018: Kunstkijk Goeree Overflakkee - Zuid-Holland - The Netherlands2018: Kunststroom Roerdalen - Roerdalen - The Netherlands2019: Kunstkijk Goeree Overflakkee - Zuid-Holland - The Netherlands2019: Art and Nature Route Wemeldinge - Wemeldinge - The Netherlands2020: "Tar & Feathers" Group art exhibition (June 29 to July 11 2020) - Hellenic-French association-Athens Greece2020: "S(tr)ay a little prayer for me" Group art exhibition (25 june to july 25 2020)-institute of fine arts Tsigrigi-Athens-Greece2021: Artfestival Heusden2021: Nationale kunstdagen2022: Art Gallery Molenhof - Weert and Roggel2022: KunstkijkSolo Exhibitions2005: Greek Byzantinian Icons - Tax Office Gorichem - The Netherlands2007: Angelen - Chemical Blond Art Gallery and Matzumatzu Art and Design - Amsterdam - The Netherlands2008: Believe it or Not - Gallery Gorichem - The Netherlands2012: Anna Patrou Paintings - Floklore Museum - Nikoloas Dimitriou Foundation of Samos - Samos - Greece


Oil & acrylic paintings.
Dates from 2003 to 2023.
For enquires contact Anna.


2017 - 2022

2013 - 2016

2003 - 2012

For enquires contact Anna.

Contact Anna

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Byzantine Icons

The character of the Byzantine art is quite distinct and obviously avoids the naturalism of the classical world and its attempt to show the "real world". Simplicity of forms helped the alliterated prayer to understand better the episodes of the holy scriptures.This style offers a connection between heaven and earth, being the material intermediary of the spiritual world. This is emphasized by the use of deep blue, green or gold for the background. The gold background, for example, stands for the light of the Apocalypse and also for the infinity. The main colours for the figures were red,
green, blue and earth colours, as well as black and white. Anatomy is absent, as an inner world is requested. What really matters is the spirit, not the real body and, therefore, no personal characteristics or physical resemblance is required. Frontal poses, even formal or abstract figures are used, which means that only important elements are kept, secondaries are avoided. These figures often occur strange and awesome, their large eyes staring at us, profoundly spiritual or even delicate and intimate. This technique and these colours are still used in the contemporary art of the iconography of the saints.


Anna Patrou has studied the technique of the Byzantine art and creates original icons as well as modern versions. The icons based on original pieces of art, keep the variety and freshness of colours of the period and the feeling of a spiritual world, whereas the modern ones, her angels, are unique pieces of art which represent souls of a timeless world...

Angels - 2008

For any enquires contact Anna.